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Features - Natalog Swimming Software

Meet Results Athlete Meet Summary High Point Standings Team Scores by Event

Load unlimited meet results

Drag and drop meet files into Natalog or hand-enter select results. Your meets can contain swimming, diving, and open water events. Seventeen file types are supported.

Athlete Top Times Progress Charts Team Top Times Time Standards

Track your top times

View top times lists for athletes, teams, conferences, meets, pools, or nations. List times from both meets and practices. Compare them to time standards or chart them. Fix inconsistencies by merging duplicate swimmers and teams or by correcting splits.

Athlete Practices Natalog Practice Logging Demo Natalog Workout Editing Demo

Manage your practices

Log an athlete or team's practices and chart the yardage. Keep track of past workouts or write new ones. Type in workouts or copy and paste sets from one practice to another; build ladders; rate sets; tag sets; and find sets by distance, duration, or stroke. Keep attendance and log stats from test sets.

Entry List / Psych Sheet Team Bests Going into a Meet Team Entry Grid

Make your meet entries

Load a meet set-up file and enter your athletes in their events. Then save your entries as a file to send to the meet host. Natalog helps you form relays by ranking relay combinations.

Team Roster Athlete Profile Team Members by Season

Manage your swim team

Keep track of your team members from season to season. Great for age group, high school, college, masters, and summer leagues.

Natalog Meet Projection Demo

Analyze your results

Estimate next year's meet results with a single click of the mouse. Score out a meet with teams or athletes performing better, worse, as seeded, or lifetime bests. See what happens if meets and/or teams are combined. These are all what-if scenarios that you can do with Natalog's simulations.

Natalog Real-Time Alerts Demo

Follow real-time results

Point Natalog to live results, and it will alert you when results have posted.

Ready to use Natalog? Subscribe and install the software here.

View more screenshots on the version history page.

Want more features? Let us know.